Start trading commodities such as Gold, Silver, Crude Oils, Natural gas, Wood, and more with low spreads and fast execution. You don't need to worry about physical delivery, ownership, or rollovers. Begin your commodity trading journey now!
Commodities are agricultural products or natural resources that are interchangeable with other goods of the same type. They serve as inputs in production and are freely traded worldwide. This is possible because commodities, while slightly varying from one producer to another, are generally uniform regardless of the producer. Commodities form a significant financial asset class alongside currencies, bonds, stocks, and real estate. .
Instrument | |Size | |Spread | |Leverage |
Spot Gold | |100 ounces | |0.13 | |100:1 |
Spot Crude | |1000 barrels | |2.3 | |1000:1 |
Natural Gas | |10,000 MMBtu | |1.46 | |100:1 |
Coffee | |10,000 lbs | |0.3 | |50:1 |
Cotton | |10,000 lbs | |0.16 | |50:1 |
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